Put The Spring in Your Step
Seasonal change hangs in the air. Dogs are keen to sense this as well as changes in those they know and love. We humans can be pretty perceptive too. This is a time of year when you may awake to snow on the ground like today where I live. If this occurs, you may need to make a conscious choice to reinvigorate yourself. Fortunately, we are capable of creating productive change. We can recover our care and enthusiasm.
Our renewal and enthusiasm are like creative muscles. They need exercise. You can also rely on love. Love puts the spring in my step. My love for kindness and appreciation helps me bounce and balance. Try regaining the spring in your step by reviving your appreciation. See the beauty that exists within your life. Go within and breathe in the creative power of your loving nature. Life is filled with layers, and we can keep our buoyancy with the remarkable power of loving kindness.
Our best friends remind us to connect with all that is loving. Dogs are great at this. They return us to the present moment. Mindful awareness helps us tune into all that is more relaxing. We can find our flow to be at ease. This also helps us connect with what is often most creative for us. Make time to be quiet and reflect on all that you find engaging. Nature is a beautiful place to focus. Many find pleasure in the simple things like cooking, daydreaming, birdwatching, or observing children and dogs playing.
Here are some further suggestions to put the spring in your step:
Tap into your purpose. What brings you meaning? Look beyond your to do lists. If you are unsure, you can regain your bounce by expressing your gratitude. Share a sincere message of thanks by acknowledging those you know. Go beyond social media or text messaging, try sharing it voice-to-voice. Speak sincerely and offer up gracious words with those you know. Express who they are by going beyond what they do. Tell them how they make a difference by applying their personal values or other qualities they contribute. Hearing someone else express their appreciation goes a long way to brighten a day. It’s like sharing a shot of enthusiasm. If you need this medicine start by writing a message of gratitude for yourself. Acknowledge your kindness and all the ways you make a difference.
Retrieve your trust. The challenges we experience in a world filled with uncertainty can amplify self-doubt, fear, and anxiety. A remedy for this is to exercise your creative muscles. Decide to focus on all that is loving. Love grows and renews trust. You can trust the sun will rise. Let your internal sunshine be a constant resource in your life. Trust your inner sunshine is abundant and ever available. Some may be grieving the loss of a job, a relationship, or someone dear. When this happens, know that we all need support. We also need to know we can trust ourselves to keep moving forward. Love and kindness are real remedies for retrieving your trust. Make it your goal to reach out and share your kindness with someone you have not connected with for a while, or even a long while.
Unleash your empathy. Listen with your heart. This is an empathetic exercise, and it can be a new practice for you. Compassion and empathy are genuine gifts of care. Learn to listen differently. Tune out the part of yourself that over-analyses or is prone to assess and critique. Breathe more deeply and tell yourself you are free to simply listen and be present. As you listen, hear what truly matters to others. I recommend practicing this with yourself. You can use a journal in a similar way. What you write about is often what truly matters to you. Often our concerns and expectations need more empathy than we realize. Don’t be afraid to unleash your empathy for the purpose of encouraging renewal and enthusiasm.
Bring your wisdom to the pack. As you listen ask yourself where you see wisdom and where wisdom is needed. Apply this curiosity to your own situations. Be open to the wisdom that connects you with values like clarity, purpose, and encouragement. We ae living in a time when our connections truly matter. We all need to remember our purpose, receive encouragement, renew our trust, and engage our creativity. Loneliness is on the rise and the need for safety to experience trust and empathy is even more vital. We need to respond from wisdom. Never forget that wisdom springs from playfulness and curiosity too. Just look into your puppy dog’s eyes and you’ll remember this. Put the spring in your step by making it possible to share your internal sunshine with others.
Promoting Brilliance recently published a daily reader and planner to support what’s meaningful for your life. These books are titled, The Dog God Has Spoken and The Dog God Has Spoken Tracker. Both books are available online at Barnes & Noble.
The Dog God Has Spoken
Barnes & Noble weblink:
The Dog God Has Spoken Tracker
Barnes & Noble weblink:
One caveat with this first addition, the shipping process is not quite as speedy as some online services. However, the quality of the book is far superior to most print editions.